Restless Architecture
It is a framework - a method and of supporting tools - for developing an architecture community. An Idea born out of mindful curiosities and doubts on the reality of practical learnings. An Idea to develop a platform where any individual can interact and question fundamentals, and we try to clear the facts or understandings with other knowledgeable members of this community by sharing their thoughts on it.
We are on a mission to encourage and promote excellence in architecture. With an aim to create a platform that showcases the contribution of the greats in the field of architecture, as well as give young architects, designers and students an opportunity to show their skills and works to the world.
Meet Our Family
A small group of Architects and Designers who aims to provide and build an engaging platform for the community of creative minds. We think there are more than many essential things which we lack after our design education, which many of us are facing during practical life – problems, doubts, etc. and many of them are yet going to face. So we are here trying to solve them by knowing it from you and serving back to you.

Our Featured Projects
Architecture can be observed all around us and not just in buildings and spaces. Architects are involved in a lot other things like activism, academics, scripting etc. But the central element of our profession is considered to be rotating around buildings and built spaces.
We at Restless Architecture Intend to showcase a fresh perspective through our featured projects and works and provide young architect a platform to showcase their skills an excellence in this field.