Effective communication, fresh perspectives, and enhanced teamwork have created some of the world’s best projects. People who can communicate their desires, goals, and wishful outcomes are game-changers, and those people are valuable for any architectural company. It’s hard to talk about where you could be in 10 or 20 years. However, focusing on mastering your communication skills while you’re still young and improving intellectually, will make you ideally suited for future leadership positions.
Words depict your personality
What makes architects unique is the way we think, and to let the world know what your ideas are about, you must know how to communicate well. The building design has evolved to incorporate innovative design, construction methods, and social elements, resulting in the opportunity for architects to integrate knowledge from various fields into the design process. Sometimes trying to convey everything in a particular design can create chaos. What I mean by that is if you’re trying to cram 8 ideas into one project, it muddles the water and none of your ideas are accurately communicated. Instead, try to focus on solving the problem with one or two ideas. You will meet a lot of new people from all walks of life. Take advantage of these opportunities to reflect on your career progress and learn from them.

Socialize and Influence people.
Great pioneers of businesses, organizations, institutions are all very clear on what they want and are very good at communicating these ideas efficiently to people and get work done. People of varying knowledge and experience levels should be able to understand what you’re talking about. The real challenge is to be brief but comprehensive; try to be as detailed as possible whilst using as little words as possible. Plus, Staying empathetic will help you get along with everyone in the workplace. Become a person they can turn to openly share their notions without judgment. In this way, you provide the support, opportunity, and ensure the maximum results.

When you present, you are in charge of the room.
Jurors and critics want to hear and discuss big ideas. Good communication skills can ease these interactions, and ensure that you can get your point across calmly and clearly, and also take on board the responses. The purpose of a presentation is to get them to understand the concept and approach and to engage the space in their minds. Anything you are trying to convince a jury in words has to be correlated to the illustrations. So, there should be enough visual material on the wall to make your life easy explaining it during design juries. The words that we choose can make a big difference in whether your project is understood.

Comprehend the Feedback
The jury process is not always about your presentation skills but an opportunity to improve your active listening skills. Listening is an active form of communication. Listen to what people tell you. Design jurors and reviewers only want to explore the ideas behind the project. Give them what they want, and don’t refrain from talking about the process and how the structure has been developed. Concentrate on what they are saying and avoid interruptions until they are through speaking. Seek feedback and ask questions when in the position to speak. As we know, Practice makes you perfect. Form a group like mock viva with your friends, and invite them to critique your work. This will not only allow you to see your idea from a different angle but also allow you to prevent mistakes and practice for the day.

In the field of architecture, communication between the architect and his organization is based on everything from verbal communication to computer-generated architectural drawings and images. Architect’s duties require specific skills for any project—designing, engineering, managing, supervising, and communicating with clients and builders. It eventually comes down to teamwork and execution. Coordinating the responsibilities of all members is crucial for a successful design. Communication makes it easier to function collectively, and also makes use of the strength of each individual to meet the project deadlines. It’s all about getting the right information to the right people at the right time. Misunderstanding is a common distraction from design intentions among teams that do not take the time to understand one another.

Clients, Us and the project
The collective vision among the architect and client is directly related to the success of a project. The choice of an architect by the client depends on his satisfaction gathered during the discussion where conversation skills play a vital role. The client needs to set up confidence and trust in the architect and good communication is the key to land your dream project. We should convey the value we are bringing to the project in terms they understand. If they’re figures-oriented, talk of budget savings. If they’re aesthetically minded, talk of beauty. If they’re rational types, talk of energy efficiency. As architects, you’ll know there are a million variables in play when it comes to planning and constructing a building. Your clients might not. So it’s up to us to be clear and show them the way.
Source: RethinkingTheFuture